Do you have a plan? Do you know where you are going? This is for health, business and life. Are you a list maker? Making a list is one of my favorite things. Checking each item off as I complete it is an amazing feeling! Don’t laugh but my list says things like get out of bed – check it off. Yeah, I did something on my list. When I feel overwhelmed and that happens when I have about 15 or 20 things going through my head, I make a list. Having my calendar on my phone aligned with my computer has made my life so much easier. If you have lived through days of no power – a paper copy always helps. Yes, I still have a paper calendar on my fridge, so my hubby knows where to find me. We both write where and what we are doing the for the next week and months. At the end of the day, before I go to bed – I go over my to do list and write down all I have accomplished today. How many times we are berating what we didn’t get done. It is my daily WIN! A pat on the back for a...